On May 2nd I chaired a meeting of the Theravada Buddhist Sangha in the UK (TBSUK) which was kindly hosted by my friend Venerable Seelawimala, the Acting Head of London Buddhist Vihara. This meeting was attended by representatives of 14 Theravada Temples and brought together monks from Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and Great Britain. The intention so far is for TBSUK to be a contact point and network linking the Theravada Sangha in the UK. I rather hope too that on occasions it will be a voice through which the opinion and expertise of the Theravada Sangha here can be heard. But it's early days and clearly time and patience are both needed for it to grow and succeed.
I am grateful to Venerable Seelawimala for so warmly welcoming us and providing the venue and the tea.