Visakha Puja at The Forest Hermitage.
In my talk I spoke about what we were there to celebrate and what makes the Buddha different from us. As followers of the Buddha we should be going where he went and doing as he did, which means giving up craving and going all the way to Nibbana. And speaking of craving, well you're only poor when you want more. Stop wanting and you've got it all. Not wanting you're content with whatever you have and contentment, isn't that wealth and happiness?
I also emphasised how important it is for everyone to care for themselves and I hope that we and this place and the Dhamma we offer will help with that.
We are very conscious of our dependence on all who support us and grateful for all that is offered. At the end of the day it was reported to me that as well as a generous collection of supplies, £574 had been given. Anumodana!